Members of Walton CSD’s music department recently visited Townsend Elementary. The high school band, orchestra, and chorus put on a small concert for the younger students, as well as explaining their instruments and what they do. This allows the elementary students to see what in music they might be interested in being part of as they get older. See more photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
High school students performing at Townsend Elementary
Townsend Elementary second graders were recently visited by Jenine Osbon with W.I.D.E. She presented on Harriet Tubman, for Women’s History Month, as well as finishing Black History Month in February. First, she read a book about Tubman’s life, and then did a presentation on quilt codes, which were used by slaves finding their way to freedom via the underground railroad. Students then had the opportunity to build a quilt square to represent one of many codes they learned about. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Lesson on Harriet Tubman
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Students with the piece of quilt they made during a Harriet Tubman lesson
Members of Walton CSD’s music department recently visited Townsend Elementary. The high school band, orchestra, and chorus put on a small concert for the younger students, as well as explaining their instruments and what they do. This allows the elementary students to see what in music they might be interested in being part of as they get older. See more photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
High school music students perform at Townsend Elementary
High school music students perform at Townsend Elementary
High school music students perform at Townsend Elementary
High school music students perform at Townsend Elementary
High school music students perform at Townsend Elementary
REMINDER: It's time for spring break! There is no school on Friday, March 29 (district offices closed), April 1-5, and Monday, April 8. Enjoy the break! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Spring break graphic
On Thursday, March 28, Townsend Elementary will be sending students home with ISO certified glasses from NASA. These glasses, which can be used to view the eclipse on April 8, will be inside the folded directions to keep them from getting damaged. Please keep these glasses in a safe place where they won’t get damaged and please be sure to read the instructions before using the glasses. For information about the eclipse, please visit this YouTube video:
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Info graphic about watching the eclipse.
Townsend Elementary participated in this year’s Kids Heart Challenge as part of a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. Grades 3-5 took part in the challenge, with 26 students contributing to the challenge. Students raised a total of 2,234.99 this year. The top five fundraisers were: Emmet Miller: $377.55 Kimber Bowker: $275.96 Lexy Carman: $265 Gabe Neumann: $165 Taylor Gransbury: $140 Through the challenge, students were also encouraged to complete Finn’s Mission, where they learned how to do hands-on CPR, as well as follow steps to learn about heart health. Nine students completed Finn’s Mission, and 13 families that learned about hands-only HPR. Great job all! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Students who participated in the challenge
Walton CSD presents Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka THIS WEEKEND! Showtimes are 7 p.m. Friday, March 22, and 7 p.m. Saturday, March 23! Tickets are available at the door. Prices are $8 for adults, and $6 for students. For more information, please visit: Look for more photos from this wonderful performance on Monday! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Walton CSD performs Willy Wonka!
Walton CSD performs Willy Wonka!
Walton CSD performs Willy Wonka!
Walton CSD performs Willy Wonka!
Walton CSD performs Willy Wonka!
Congratulations to the February students of the month at Townsend Elementary! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
February students of the month for Townsend Elementary
Hanford Mills recently visited Townsend Elementary’s second graders and presented a program on “sharing water.” The students learned how different professions use water, as well as learning ways we can all work together to share this precious resource. Students explored how water in their community, region, and the state is a shared resource. Thank you, Hanford Mills Museum, for this great educational experience! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
12 months ago, Walton CSD
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
Walton second graders taking part in a educational opportunity from Hanford Mills.
The UPK lottery dates have been extended for applications. You can submit applications from February 26-March 1. Please see the attached for more information. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
UPK lotto information
REMINDER: There is no school from February 19-23 for winter recess. District offices are closed on Monday, February 19 in observance of Presidents' Day. Enjoy your break! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Winter break dates graphic
As a way to give back, an alumni of Townsend Elementary recently donated t-shirts for all students and staff. The school received the shirts this week and showed them off and the kids were excited to receive the shirts. Townsend staff and students appreciate the generosity and it made for a wonderful day! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Townsend Elementary students showing off their new t-shirts
Townsend Elementary students showing off their new t-shirts
Townsend Elementary students showing off their new t-shirts
Townsend Elementary students showing off their new t-shirts
It’s National School Counseling Week! The Walton Central School District is celebrating its school counselors, and we have four great ones in our district! Thank you to Justin Preston (high school), Kacie Button (middle school), Karen Gilbertson (high school), and Beth Howland (elementary)! Make sure you thank our counselors for all they do! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Walton CSD school counselors
Congratulations to the January students of the month for Townsend Elementary! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Students of the month for January 2024 at Townsend Elementary
Townsend Elementary starts “Kids Heart Challenge!” Townsend Elementary is kicking off a service-learning program called “Kids Heart Challenge.” This is for grades 3-5. Parents can register their students by visiting: This is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. Students will raise funds and through fun activities, they’ll discover ways to take care of their hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Students also have the chance to earn PE equipment for the school!
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Kids Heart Challenge information
Finn's Mission info
This past week, Plory, a character from i-Ready, visited Townsend Elementary! Plory was helping motivate students as they prepared for their mid-year i-Ready diagnostic assessment! Students were excited to meet Plory and were happy he came to visit! See more photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
Students with i-Ready's Plory
All student after-school activities for Tuesday, January 23 have been canceled. This includes the wrestling match against Windsor. Also, Friday's wrestling match vs. Oneonta will now be in Walton. It was originally scheduled for Downsville #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
The Walton Central School District is now closed for Tuesday. January 16.
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
The Walton Central School District is on a two-hour delay for Tuesday, January 16.
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
For the holidays this year, second graders created cards and ornaments for the 27 departments at UHS Delaware Valley as a thank you for all they do throughout the year. The students wanted to make sure the staff at the hospital know they were appreciated! Great job! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
about 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Second graders created ornaments and cards for the hospital staff this year
Second graders created ornaments and cards for the hospital staff this year
Second graders created ornaments and cards for the hospital staff this year