Townsend Elementary's second- and third-grade select chorus recently performed at the Mother's Day Art Gala held at the Walton Theatre. A great job by all!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

REMINDER: This is a reminder that Friday, May 24, and Tuesday May 28 are emergency give-back days. There is no school on those days. Enjoy the extended break!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

REMINDER: The annual school budget vote and BOE election is set for 12-9 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 at the Walton CSD bus garage on Delaware Street.
For more information, please visit: https://www.waltoncsd.org/page/budget.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Congratulations to the students of the month for April at Townsend Elementary! The theme was fairness!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Congratulations to the students of the month for April at Townsend Elementary! The theme was fairness!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Townsend Elementary recently held its annual recital! There we some great perfomances! Awesome job all around!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Ag Literacy Day was recently held at Townsend Elementary! High school FFA members came to the school, read to classes, and worked on craft projects! A lot of fun!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

It is School Nurse Day!
Thank you to Walton CSD's nurses and all they do for our students! You are all amazing!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

We are so lucky to have the teachers we have in the Walton Central School District!
It is National Teacher's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week! We thank each of our teachers for all the work they do!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Townsend School celebrated the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week on a sweet note. All staff members received a candy bar, and the students gave staff members a high five!

This is a reminder that Friday, May 3 is an emergency day give-back day. There is no school! Have a great long weekend!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Townsend Elementary is recycling all of the items listed on the attached poster! There will be a container for students to drop items off inside the entrance to the school.
Please remember that plastic must be clean and dry! Help us keep plastic materials out of the landfills!
Visit the NexTrex website to learn more about how our recyclables can become a composite deck.

Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary students of the month for March!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The Walton Central School District is seeking feedback about our communication practices. Please fill out this brief survey to assist the district with evaluating and improving our information and communication practices, including the website, newsletters etc. We thank you for your participation.
The survey will be open until May 6, 2024.
You can find the survey at: https://forms.gle/qPTn79FaTbbo91hi6.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Petitions are available for qualified residents who would like to run for the Walton Central School District Board of Education. For more information, or to pick up a petition please contact the district clerk at 607-865-4116, ext. 6130, or emailing cphraner@waltoncsd.org.
Petitions must be signed by at least 25 district residents and are due back to the district office no later than 5 p.m. Monday, April 22, 2024.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The next New York Thursday is scheduled for April 18! A great looking menu!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

WCS hosts all-county festival
The Walton Central School District hosted the SCSMA All-County Festival in March. The annual concert featured several area schools who came together for a concert.
On Friday and Saturday morning, students from county school districts rehearsed together. The concert took place on Saturday afternoon in front of a large crowd.
Walton students who participated included:
Elementary chorus: Kate Bowker, Josilyn Covell, Ava Hoover, Daphne Schmidt, Hayden Schmidt, Kenzley Stone, Lena Storrer, Jesse Tompkins, Averie Williams, and Jayden Wright.
Junior band: Anika Fassler, Liam Kane, Adam Rice, Esther Salvia, Logan Viscio, and Bentley Wickham.
Senior chorus: Derek Basile, Eve Foster, and David Gatchalian.
HS jazz band: Emilie Bregenborg, Kahrin Vesterfelt, and Elijah Williams.
Congratulations to all who participated!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The annual Townsend Elementary science fair was held. So many great projects! Great work by all students who took part!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

It's always fun checking out books at the book fair! From the recent fair at Townsend Elementary! The next book fair is scheduled for May 22-24!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Petitions are available for qualified residents who would like to run for the Walton Central School District Board of Education. For more information, or to pick up a petition please contact the district clerk at 607-865-4116, ext. 6130, or emailing cphraner@waltoncsd.org. Petitions must be signed by at least 25 district residents and are due back to the district office no later than 5 p.m. Monday, April 22, 2024.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride