Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary Students of the Month for February!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Townsend Elementary celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday on Monday! Students in grades 3-5 visits those in K-2 to read with them!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Townsend Elementary celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday! See a full gallery oh photos on our Facebook page.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

February Reminders and Updates

REMINDER! Winter recess is next week (February 17-21). There is no school. District offices are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Have a great break!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

REMINDER! Applications for the UPK lottery for the 2025-26 school year need to be in by Friday, February 14!
Also, kindergarten registration is scheduled for March 3-7.
Please see the attached items for more information!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary Students of the Month for January!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The Walton Central School District is closed for Thursday, February 6. There is no school.

It’s National School Counseling Week!
The Walton Central School District is celebrating its school counselors, and we have four great ones in our district!
Thank you to Kacie Button (middle school), Karen Gilbertson (high school), Beth Howland (elementary), and Justin Preston (high school)!
Make sure you thank our counselors for all they do!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The Walton Central School District is on a two-hour delay for Monday, February 3.

The Walton Central School District is now closed for Friday, January 31. There is no school.

The Walton Central School District is on a two-hour delay for Friday, January 31.

REMINDER: Monday, January 27 is a conference day. There is no school for students!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

A reminder from our district health offices about when to keep a child home from school!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

A message from the Walton Central School District about the anticipated weather in the coming days:
1) Please be sure that students are dressed properly in multiple layers.
2) If your student is a walker, or is dropped off at one of the schools, please time your student’s arrival time: 7:30 a.m. for breakfast at the middle school/high school only, and 7:45 a.m. for all other arrivals.
3) For those of you with children who ride the bus, we ask that you keep your child inside either a warm vehicle or home until the bus has stopped so that we can ensure students are not waiting outside for a long period of time.
As always, we thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students healthy and safe.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

REMINDER: The Walton Central School District will host a construction open house at Townsend Elementary from 4:30-5:30 p.m. today (Monday, January 13).
Feel free to stop by at any point during that time frame. Visitors will have a chance to tour the area of the school that was recently renovated for the second phase of the floor project. That includes rooms and the corridor on the second floor.
Parents as well as community members are welcome to attend.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary Students of the Month for December!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

The Walton Central School District will host a construction open house at Townsend Elementary from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Monday, January 13.
Feel free to stop by at any point during that time frame. Visitors will have a chance to tour the area of the school that was recently renovated for the second phase of the floor project. That includes rooms and the corridor on the second floor.
Parents as well as community members are welcome to attend.
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

REMINDER: Classes resume on Thursday, January 2! We are looking forward to seeing everybody!
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride

Before their recent winter concert, the Townsend Elementary ensembles had the opportunity to perform in front of their peers and classmates! A great performance!
If you missed any of our winter concerts, you can find the live streams on our YouTube page:
Townsend concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd1ugFOFIqA
Middle school concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV-dwuY1T1Y
High school concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYZOpE5kWGk
#WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride