Sweethearts and Heroes returned to the Walton Central School District this week, starting at Townsend Elementary and then heading to the middle/high school. During this trip they did their "circles" program. This is the first of six scheduled trips to WCS for Sweethearts and Heroes over the 2024-25 school year. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
5 months ago, Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
Sweethearts & Heroes return to Walton CSD
REMINDER: Townsend Elementary Picture Days are this week! October 2: Townsend Elementary (UPK-2) October 3: Townsend Elementary (3-5) #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
5 months ago, Walton CSD
Picture Day graphic
Orange and Black day was a huge success, as was Warriors Crush Hunger. great job, and thank you for all the donations.
5 months ago, Townsend Elementary School
Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Orange and Black
warriors Crush Hunger
Orange and Black
Crush Tackles Hunger is going on all this week. We are accepting donations of nonperisable food items. Some members of the Varsity Football team and Varsity Soccer team spoke to the Elementary students on Monday to get them excited about the event.
6 months ago, Townsend Elementary School
Varsity team members.
Mrs. Evans class
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming Sep 18–Sep 20. Our students are excited to shop for their own books and every purchase at the Fair benefits our school! For more info, visit https://scholastic.com/bf/townsendelementaryschool1.
6 months ago, Townsend Elementary School
Picture days are scheduled! September 19: Middle School September 20: High School October 2: Townsend Elementary (UPK-2) October 3: Townsend Elementary (3-5) #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
6 months ago, Walton CSD
As per a new mandate from the New York State Education Department, the Walton Central School District is required to provide advance notification to families of any safety drills scheduled . These drills may include the following: evacuation (fire) drills, lockdown drills, shelter-in-place drills, and early dismissal drills. Please visit: https://bit.ly/3XhtkVf for more information. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
6 months ago, Walton CSD
And the first day is in the books! What a tremendous opening day! We are excited for the 2024-25 school year! See a full gallery of photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
6 months ago, Walton CSD
Students during the first day of school
Students during the first day of school
Students during the first day of school
Students during the first day of school
Students during the first day of school
Students during the first day of school
Hey Walton! One last reminder: school starts Thursday, September 5! We look forward to seeing you all back! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
6 months ago, Walton CSD
Back to school reminder graphic
Construction at Townsend Elementary is coming along! The current project is currently on schedule and the district is in final preparations for the start of school year. Walton CSD will open on schedule – September 5 for students! The project includes: - The demolition of ceilings, classroom, and corridor walls in four second-floor fifth-grade classrooms, as well as an upstairs restroom. This allows for the removal and asbestos abatement of the original lightweight concrete floor deck system. - Removal and replacement of ceilings in the cafeteria, four offices, a downstairs restroom, and a first-floor corridor to allow for removal of the second-floor deck, as well as installation of structural steel reinforcement before the installation of a new metal floor deck. - Also, installation of a metal floor deck and pouring of a new lightweight concrete floor deck system, reconstruction and installation of new finishes within the second-floor fifth-grade wing classrooms and corridor; and installation of new unit ventilators within the second-floor fifth-grade classrooms. As of August 9, all required demolition of existing finishes and systems, as well as the installation of structural steel, metal floor deck, and lightweight concrete have been completed. In the upcoming weeks, the reconstruction of the first-floor ceilings will be completed, along with furnishing the classrooms and the final cleaning. The first-floor areas that are part of the project will be ready for use at the start of the 2024-25 school year. Second-floor work in classrooms and corridor walls will continue into the school year, with the rooms and the corridor remaining unoccupied during the first half of the year. The anticipated finish date for this is November 2024. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
7 months ago, Walton CSD
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Construction work at Townsend Elementary
Having some fun during the Townsend Elementary summer reading and math program! See more photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
8 months ago, Walton CSD
Students taking part in summer reading and math program
The end of the year at Townsend Elementary featured the annual field day ... and what a day it was! So much fun! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
8 months ago, Walton CSD
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
Students taking part in Townsend Elementary's field day
REMINDER! The summer meal program will begin July 8! Please see the attached for more information!
8 months ago, Walton CSD
Summer meals info
Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary students of the month for June! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Townsend Elementary students of the month for June
So many happy faces! Walton CSD recently held its annual UPK celebration as the year wrapped up. Next year these are our kindergartners! They are also the Class of 2037! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
Walton CSD UPK students taking part in the end-of-year celebration
The summer meal program will begin July 8! Please see the attached for more information!
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Summer meals info
To prepare for the recent spring concert, Townsend Elementary students in the different musical groups performed for their peers. An excellent performance! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Students in Townsend Elementary musical groups perform
Third-grade class host wax museum Jodie Day’s third-grade class once again held a wax museum as the final part of a research project. During the project, students work on an autobiography, and share important items with the class. Items can be anything, such as photos, jewelry, sports cards, or other things. The project is done at the end of the year, as it allows students to learn things about classmates. After that project, students then research another person, write a biography, and create a fact poster to display information about that person. The final step is to dress the part, have props, and pretend to be wax forms of the person. Family, friends, and other classes are invited to then walk through the museum as students do their best to stay still throughout. See more photos on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Students taking part in a wax museum
Students taking part in a wax museum
Students taking part in a wax museum
Students taking part in a wax museum
Students taking part in a wax museum
Congratulations to the Townsend Elementary students of the month for May! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Townsend Elementary students of the month for May 2024
Four retirees from the Walton Central School District were recognized this past Friday during a celebration dinner. The four retirees are Cindy Bakker (technician), Lori Cucciarre (elementary art teacher), Lynn “Skeet” Schmidt (custodial), and Betsy Stinson (elementary teacher)! We wish these four a wonderful retirement and many great days ahead! Thank you for your service to the Walton CSD and community! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
9 months ago, Walton CSD
Walton CSD retirees for 2024!
Walton CSD retirees for 2024!
Walton CSD retirees for 2024!
Walton CSD retirees for 2024!