A season-opening win for the football team this past weekend! If you are looking to check out any of our athletic teams, you can see all of the schedules for the fall at: https://www.schedulegalaxy.com/schools/178. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Action from Saturday's football game
Say cheese! Here are the upcoming dates for school picture days! September 21: Middle School September 22: High School October 4: Townsend Elementary (UPK-2) October 5: Townsend Elementary (3-5) #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPRIDE
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Picture day graphic
We want to welcome our new staff members for the 2023-24 school year! Welcome to the team! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
New staff photo
Before the start of the school year, a “Senior Sunrise” breakfast was held at the school. Twenty-three students attended, aided by 10 parent volunteers. Students gathered at just past 6 a.m. to watch the sunrise on the front lawn of the high school. They were then treated to a breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and baked items. After the meal, students spent some time in the courtyard plying games. The event concluded with a drawing for a door prize, which was won by Jayden Burns. A great event to start off the year! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
Students at the sunrise breakfast!
ATHLETICS UPDATE: This weekend's football game has been moved. The varsity game will be held at 2 p.m. at Deposit. Originally, the game was slated for 7 p.m. Friday in Hancock. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
New York Thursdays are coming! New York Thursday meals are cooked from scratch within the district cafeteria and will be held 14 times throughout the school year. The meals use seasonal foods that are grown, harvested, or produced in New York. The dates for the 2023-24 school year are as follows: September 21 October 5 October 19 November 9 December 14 January 11 January 25 February 8 February 15 March 7 March 21 April 18 May 9 May 23 Look for the menus for each one as they get closer!
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
NY Thursdays graphic
Live streaming for athletics If you are looking for live streaming of athletic events, Walton CSD is now using Hudl. The games that are streamed will no longer be on our YouTube page. Currently, there is a camera for games on Jim Hoover Field, and for all indoor athletics. Boys and girls soccer games that are held at Downsville will be streamed once a second camera arrives. You can access the streams at: https://fan.hudl.com/United-States/NY/Walton/organization/5037/Walton-High-School. There is also an app available called "Hudl Fan," which can be found in your favorite app store. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
And just like that ... the hallways and classrooms are filled with students! The first day of school is well under way! So many happy faces this morning returning to the buildings! We're excited for the year ahead! We look forward to the 2023-24 school year! For a full gallery, please visit our Facebook page at: https://bit.ly/3L9E3w0. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Students coming to school for the first day
Hey Walton! One last reminder: school starts Thursday, September 7! We look forward to seeing you all back! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Back to school graphic
Here are the start dates for modified fall sports! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Modified sports practice dates
Fall sports are underway! Here are some images from practices held this morning. See more images on our Facebook page! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Football practice
Field hockey practicing
Boys soccer practicing to open the season
Girls soccer first day of practice
Fall sports are set to begin! Football begins on Saturday, August 19! The remaining sports begin Monday, August 21! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
fall sports begin image
Just an early reminder ... school starts in September! But make sure you keep enjoying the summer! Below are some important dates and links! - First day for fall sports practices is Monday, August 21. Football begins on Saturday, August 19. - The first day of school for students is Thursday, September 7. - Supply lists are available at: https://bit.ly/3YItchV See you all soon! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Back to school graphic
Fall sports signups are scheduled to begin on Friday, July 28, and it will be through FinalForms. Please see a letter explaining everything at: bit.ly/3O3B0Ww. The FinalForms Parent Playbook can be found at: bit.ly/44IKCNL. Finally, you will be able to register by visiting: http://waltoncentral-ny.finalforms.com. Once there, follow the prompts to create your account, where you can create your students and sign your forms. #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
As our final post from the transportation class custom bicycle project, we wanted to show you the full group. This project showed our students taking part in a creative and fun project where they had to design and handle all aspects of creating a custom bike. We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing the creations over the past several weeks! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Group photo of students in the bike project
The final bike in the transportation class custom bicycle project was another made my Mr. Salvia. This one features two 24x1.95-inch wheels in the front, and a 26x1.95-inch wheel in the back and it can be difficult to ride. A student also helped with this bike, which Mr. Salvia calls “The Transporter.” William Neske took it all apart for Mr. Salvia, painting and greasing all parts before putting it back together. Mr. Salvia said the bike works well on flat surfaces at a medium speed. Over rough terrain, it could be a little sketch. He would recommend the bike in a factory setting as it could be ridden and carry items in the basket. Eli Jones was also working on a second design that features three wheels. It still needs work and some re-designing, but he will be working that out in the future. The kick bicycle is called “Whatchamacallit.” A great job by all involved with these two bikes! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Final bikes in the project
Frank Brown’s kick bicycle is the next in line for the transportation class custom bicycle project. This was made from parts of many bicycles and he designed and fabricated it. The bike has four wheels: two 20x2.125-inch wheels, and two center support 6-inch wheels. It also has BMX handlebars. The bike length is 85 inches! His favorite part is the long frame and he calls the bike “Crazy.” Very nice work! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Frank Brown bike project
Wishing the best of luck to Carter McNamara, Hayden Robinson, and Peyton Tweedie as they proudly represent the Walton Trap Team at the upcoming National Trapshooting Competition in Mason, Michigan this weekend!
over 1 year ago, Art Loomis
Malachi Barringer’s bike for the transportation class custom bicycle project is made from parts of three bicycles. He designed and fabricated it alongside Killian McGowan. The bike has a 27-inch front wheel and fork, and a 20-inch wheel on the back. It also features custom handlebars and an adjustable seat post. He said he feels the bike is difficult to ride because of the large front wheel, so you have to start out slow to get used to it. His favorite part of the bike is the front wheel and he calls it “Big Wheel.” That is a great bike! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Malachi Barringer’s bike project
Hayden Coons is showing off his bike “Black Hawk” as part of the transportation class custom bicycle project. This is a kick-type scooter and is made from parts of four bicycles. He did all the work to design, fabricate, as well as paint and grease it. The bike has a 16x2.125-inch front wheel, two 7-inch wheels on the back, BMX handlebars with a custom grab bar attached, and a frame length of about 40 inches. His favorite part is the grab bar. Great work! #WeAreWalton #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride
over 1 year ago, Walton CSD
Hayden Coons bike  project