REMINDER: The Walton Central School District Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 5 in the BOE room. Meetings are livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel and can be viewed at: Please note, the meeting will be followed by a community budget forum (scheduled for 7 p.m.). #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
The Walton Central School District music department will present the Broadway musical “Little Women” at 7 p.m. Friday, April 1, and Saturday, April 2. Senior citizens are invited to attend the full dress rehearsal at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 31. This performance is free to senior citizens only. Tickets for the weekend shows are available at the door $8 for adults and $6 for students. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time (a $1 discount is purchased in advance) at Molto Espresso, Walton Music House, and from the Walton CSD high school front desk.
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Thanks in part to a mild winter, the Walton Central School District has made the following changes to the instructional calendar for the remainder of the year. This is due to unused emergency days. There will be no school on the following days: Friday, April 8 Monday, April 18 Friday, May 27 Tuesday, May 31 This is subject to change if an emergency day is used at some point before May 31. If that should happen, the district will communicate the necessary changes.
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
The All-County Music Festival was held at Walton CSD! A great two days of music! See more about this in our news feed or on our Facebook page!
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Students taking part in the All-County Music Festival
Students taking part in the All-County Music Festival
Students taking part in the All-County Music Festival
Students taking part in the All-County Music Festival
Learning to groom! The small animal care class recently had some hands-on training for grooming!
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Student working on animal grooming
REMINDER: There is a special Board of Education meeting (budget work session) at 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 in the Walton BOE room. Following the work session, it is anticipated the BOE may convene an executive session for the purpose of discussing a matter under attorney-client privilege. #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Walton Central School District! #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
St. Patrick's Day students
St. Patrick's Day students
St. Patrick's Day staff
St. Patrick's Day staff
As winter sports season comes to an end and we look toward the spring season, let's take a peek back at our winter athletes! Please visit for a gallery of photos! #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Students visit BOCES to explore programs offered. #WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Students exploring programs at BOCES
Students exploring programs at BOCES
Students exploring programs at BOCES
Students exploring programs at BOCES
Congratulations to Walton CSD junior Heidi Decker! Heidi is in her first year of the cosmetology program at DCMO BOCES and she recently placed second in the “customer service” contest at Skills USA competition.
almost 3 years ago, Walton CSD
Heidi Decker