Posted Wednesday, May 19, 2021
The Walton Central School District is continually looking toward the future and will be undergoing a strategic planning process. As the district begins this process, it is seeking input from the school community.
The strategic planning process will take into account what is currently working, what the district would like to improve on, and how those within the school community feel about the work. Walton CSD needs the input from those within the school itself, as well as those in our community, so we can make the best plans for our district.
Please tell us what you think we are doing well, and also what we can improve on. Tell us what we should be considering for the future. Plans will be based on your feedback. To share your thoughts, please visit for Walton’s thought exchange.
While there, you will be able to add thoughts, see what other community members are thinking, as well as rate feedback. All of this will be anonymous, so you are encouraged to check back often to keep the conversation going.
The exchange will be open until June 11.
Over the coming months, the Board of Education and leadership team will be using this feedback for discussions and planning with volunteers from all groups within the community. Please follow the Walton CSD webpage and social media channels for updates and how to be further involved.