Posted Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Walton Central School District held a kindness week through all buildings last week. The event, which was co-sponsored by AVP and GSA, focuses on showing kindness, gratitude, encouragement, and more throughout the week.
As part of the festivities, each school also held a spirit week.
At the middle and high schools, the week started with a Monday morning kick-off welcome event in front of the buildings. There were also positive post-it notes for each student, a Be Kind Bingo game, and the chance to write positive notes during lunch at the kindness station.
During the week, the middle school performed 570 acts of kindness, and the high school recorded 298 for a total of 868. All students who earned a “bingo” by participating in the Be King Bingo game were entered for a chance to win a prize. The winners were:
6th grade: Samantha Scofield
7th grade: Gwynavere Northrup
8th grade: Raleigh Gardepe
9th grade: Mackenzie Backus
10th grade: Ava Coons
11th grade: Jillian Wright
12th grade: Brynne Backus
MS staff: Penny Tweedie
HS staff: Mrs. Taneka Brown
Also, eighth-grader Ryan Silveira earned the top prize basket by performing all acts of kindness in the bingo game.
The winner of the #1 prize basket for performing all acts of kinds in BE KIND BINGO=Ryan Silveira
Finally, there were 343 kindness cards shared with staff and students throughout the week. This week proved to have a positive impact on the district as a whole.
Walton CSD also wants to give a special thank you to Danny’s Restaurant, which provided lunch for the staff at each building one day during the week.
For a full gallery from the week, please visit our Facebook page.