Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Walton Central School District has learned of offensive and hateful social media posts being made by a small group of our students. These posts are not in line with the district’s beliefs and, as a school community, we are embarrassed, appalled, and saddened by the actions of these students. Our district does not condone hate in any form.
Though, by law, we are not allowed to release details of student discipline, the district is acting swiftly to do what it can through our Code of Conduct and policies. We are in contact with our attorneys and local officials to make sure this serious incident is not ignored. We take this matter very seriously as an affront to the beliefs of our community.
Our country is justifiably in unrest right now. Generations of people from different backgrounds are coming together to oppose hate and racial intolerance. We support them wholeheartedly and to experience this in our community is jarring; it proves hate doesn’t escape any area, big or small. We must all work together to be better -- as a district;  as a community; as people. Change can only occur with effort.  
As our social media tag – #WaltonEvolving – implies, we are growing as a district. We recognize the feelings of our students, community, and the country as a whole. We strive to show compassion and love, despite our differences. We are disappointed that any student of our district would embrace hate; we expect better from our students, staff, and every person associated with our district.
In closing, we stand in solidarity with communities across the nation with hope of equality and justice for all. We want our district to be a place where students and staff can feel safe and secure, belong to a welcoming community, and be their true selves.
#WaltonCSD #WaltonPride #WaltonEvolving