Posted Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Because of schools being closed for the remainder of the academic year, the Walton Central School District has had to look at different ways of holding the annual graduation ceremony.

With social distancing measures in place, as well as a cap on how many people can gather, the district has used those as guidance to determine the ceremony.

Because the situation is fluid, WCS is planning an event that is predictable, safe, and something that we hope will meet the expectations of our school community. Our current plan will allow graduates to be with their family, walk across stage, receive your diploma in person, and have photos taken.

The plan is to hold the ceremony over the course of a full day on Saturday, June 13. With the amount of planning going into this, it will have to be held inside because weather can not be a factor or influence for the day’s activities.

Students will be assigned a timeslot when they can arrive with their families. They will receive their diploma, walk across stage, and be able to toss their cap. This process will be recorded and, on the original graduation day (June 27), the full video of the ceremony will be released on Walton’s YouTube channel. Graduates and their families will then have their photos taken on stage.

The district will also be recording all traditional speeches and activities to be part of the video.

Because of current regulations and guidelines, June 13 will be limited to household members only.

Additional details regarding times, locations and pathways through the school, will be communicated with families shortly.
Please see the attached letter from High School Principal Art Loomis for information.  

Attachments Available to Download: