Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020

UPDATES: This is to remind everybody that Governor Cuomo has extended school closures through April 29, 2020. Meal deliveries will continue on Mondays and Thursdays through the 29th in the same manner as this week. please see the attached information from food services regarding food storage and heating food.

Each school continues instruction either online or through packets. The packets are distributed in the same way as the meal deliveries.

Even though this week was listed as "spring recess," we are required by NYS to continue instruction and to offer meals.

Counselors are continuing to monitor student progress.

Grading of student work is ongoing. Marking periods have not changed.

Students should continue to do the work that is assigned by their teachers.
NYS 3-8 testing has been suspended for this school year.

Regents exams have been suspended for this school year. We are receiving guidance from the state regarding this. At this point, students taking Regents classes should still anticipate a local final exam at year's end.

Please call your building principal if you have questions about these or any other items.

Attachments Available to Download:
Food services: Heating and storage information

Attachments Available to Download: