Posted Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Walton Central School District wanted to give a quick update for Wednesday, March 18. First, we want to thank everybody for their patience and support throughout this time. Our community will get through this together!
First, we want to announce that WCS will be fully closed on Friday, March 20.
That means there will be no food deliveries or pickups. However, pickups and deliveries on Thursday, March 19 will be doubled. Pickups will continue at the middle school/high school location (HS entrance), as well as the Townsend Elementary location (out back via car; front entrance if walking) 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Educational materials
For middle and high school students who did not pick up materials and still need them, please contact the office of the school in which your child attends.
For Townsend Elementary, pickup times will be extended on Thursday, March 19 and will run from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. This is so parents or guardians can pick up work packet for elementary students. Homework packets will be sent on the normal morning bus runs and dropped off at your home for those who live outside the village, most likely on your doorstep if we do not see you.
However, if your normal bus stop is at a distance from your home, we will need to see you there in order to leave the work. It may rain Thursday, and the plan is to cover the envelopes in plastic bags. If you have already arranged with the Townsend office to pick up the work instead of having it dropped off, that will continue to be the case. Once again, we will maintain social distancing of at least six feet.  
For parents who live in the village or who prefer to pick up the work, the hours are extended for that reason. Walkers, please go to the main entrance out front and wait at the signs. Those driving, please follow the signs through the parking lot and wait in your car. We will bring the work out. As well, we will bring food out if you need that as well.
Detailed instructions for your child’s work will be in the packet. Please call the main office if you have any questions.
From CSE chairperson Tara Sackett
Teachers and special education teachers are actively available to parents and students during this time. Teachers can be e-mailed at any time or call and leave a message.
Further, CSE and Section 504 meetings that are regularly scheduled will be held via phone conferencing. You will be contacted via the phone number on the emergency card filled out at the beginning of the year. If there is a better number to reach you at, please contact Tara Sackett via phone or e-mail. 
We realize this will not work for re-evaluation meetings or in other circumstances, and we can adjust. If you do not feel comfortable with these meetings via phone, or if not available because of the current situation, please call 607-865-4116, ext. 6137, or e-mail