Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Walton Central School District will have material and technology pickups for the high school and middle school on Wednesday, March 18. Also, meal availability will begin Wednesday.

Townsend Elementary will have work pickup available on Thursday, March 19.

Information is below.


High school/middle school
The pickup will be in the middle school gymnasium. You will enter the middle school doors, and proceed into the gymnasium.
The schedule is as follows. Pickup is listed by last name.

  • A-G: 9-10:15 a.m.
  • H-M: 10:30-11:45 a.m.
  • N-S: 12-1:15 p.m.
  • T-Z: 1:30-3 p.m.

Note: If you can’t make it during these hours, please contact your child’s school. 
Those who need to come in include students who don’t have devices and/or internet access, as well as the following: 

  • All seventh graders
  • 8th-grade algebra students
  • 8th-grade biology students
  • Any students contacted by classroom teachers for content-specific items in the high school.

Other notes:
- For any past-due work, or future work that had been assigned before the shutdown, individual teachers will let students know what needs to be done.
- If a student has items in their locker at the school that they need, please contact the office of that child’s school. 
- If you do not have Wi-Fi or internet, a tip sheet will be provided when you pick up work for your child. Hard copies will be distributed. There is also an offline synching mode with Chromebooks, and there are various Wi-Fi hotspots in Walton, including parking lots at the school. 

Townsend Elementary
Packets of work and directions for online work will go home on the normal morning bus runs on Thursday morning. For those who live in the village, please plan to come and follow signs and map (see below) the same way food will be picked up, at the back door. Work will be brought out to your car. Those who are walking, please come to the front door of the school. 
The pickup window for Thursday only will be 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Detailed instructions for your child’s work will be in the packet. Please call the main office if you have any questions, or technical questions. 
A reminder of the procedure the Walton Central School District will do in regard to meal pickup. Please note, some of this information has been updated since Monday. The district will continue to offer breakfast and lunch to students through the closure. It will work as follows:
If you live in the village or can come to the schools, the meals will be available from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. each day school would normally be in session (at the MS/HS and Townsend Elementary). Any updated schedule will be posted on our website and social media.
For the high school/middle school, parents will be able to use the high school entrance (please do not leave your car to allow for traffic flow) and pick up the meals. If you are walking, please maintain social distance (six or more feet) and there will be a safe way to pick up your meals. 
For those with elementary students, the pickup will be out back of Townsend Elementary (again, please do not leave your car for traffic flow) and there will be many signs pointing you in the direction (see map below). We ask that you line up your cars as you drive in by the fence of the kindergarten playground and we will bring the food out to your car. There will be a stop sign for where you should stop your car. If you live in the village and plan on walking to pick up your food, please come to the front door of Townsend. We will continue to use social distancing. 

For those outside the village, meals will come during the normal morning bus run. Our staff will deliver the food to your front door, or where you normally meet the bus (if it does not come directly to your home). Please plan to meet the bus there at about the time your child would normally board the bus. We will maintain social distancing of at least six feet. 
Please make sure if meals are being delivered you don’t have animals out or we will not deliver. 
If you live outside the village and are not on a normal bus run and need meals delivered, please contact your child’s school so we can make sure meals are delivered. 
Finally, we are requesting families please fill out this survey so we can plan accordingly in the amount of meals we should be putting together. If you have not yet done so, you can access it at:
These will be sent home on the busses, or will be available for pickup at your child’s school if you live in the village
We will continue to update you via the school website and social media whenever there are new items to send out. Thank you for your support and understanding through these challenging times.
Townsend Elementary map for meal/educational material pickup
 Townsend map for pickups