Posted Monday, March 16, 2020

The Walton Central School District is giving an update on the COVID-19 situation, as of March 16. The situation remains fluid and the district is working together in dealing with the issues surrounding the situation. We will work to keep you updated as decisions are made.
Today, all staff met for a conference day to plan instruction going forward. Drivers, food service, custodial workers, aides, administrators, clerical and other support staff, and educators provided input and strategized how to help our school community continue instruction and meet many of the other services to which our students and families have become accustom. 
First, there is no school for students on Tuesday, March 17. Delaware County has enacted a state of emergence starting on Wednesday, March 18, schools will be in a long-term closure that could last until April 14. Staff will be in attendance on March 17 and should report to their normal work stations.

The district is forming ways to:

  • Offer instruction to all students through technology and, if necessary, through hard copies of schoolwork.
  • Offer breakfasts and lunches.
  • Maintain student skill levels and prepare for success on state assessments (should these still be required).

Meal deliveries
The district will continue to offer breakfast and lunch to students. It will work as follows:

  • If you live in the village or can come to the schools, the meals will be available from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. each day. Any updated schedule will be posted on our website and social media. For the high school/middle school, parents will be able to drive up to the high school entrance (please do not leave your car) and pick up the two meals. For those with elementary students, the pickup will be out back at the loading dock of Townsend Elementary (again, please do not leave your car). 
  • If you are not in the village, meals will be delivered via the normal AM bus route. Buses will bring the meals, to the normal bus stops. Please note, we will be practicing social distance, meaning we will place the meals either on a porch, or near the normal pickup area as long as we see a person. 
  • If you live outside the village and are not on a normal bus run and need meals delivered, please contact your child’s school so we can make sure meals are delivered. 
  • Please make sure if meals are being delivered you don’t have animals out or we will not deliver. 
  • Finally, we are requesting families please fill out this survey so we can plan accordingly in the amount of meals we should be putting together. You can access it at:

Families needing to pick up medications from the school nurse should do so on Tuesday, March 17.
School work
Packets for schoolwork, as well as Chromebooks (based on survey results, to students without a device at home in the MS/HS) will be given out later this week. Information and times will be announced Tuesday, March 17. 

These procedures will be tested through next week, and we will be reviewing all of this with staff later next week. Any modifications will be communicated to you. Please watch our website and social media, as well as school messenger calls for further information.