Pennies from Heaven successful once again

Posted Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Townsend Elementary recently completed the 23rd year of Pennies from Heaven, which is an annual fundraiser that benefits UHS Delaware Valley Hospital. 
Classes throughout Townsend combined to collect 946 pounds of pennies this year, which will come out to about $1,600 donated once everything is tallied.
Each year, there’s also a friendly competition between classes at Townsend. The class that collects the most pennies throughout the month of February earns a pizza and ice cream party. 

This year’s winner is Crystal Wood’s fourth-grade class, which collected 140 pounds of pennies!

Grade-level winners will win an ice cream party from the hospital. Those winners were: Christine Condon’s class (kindergarten – 92 pounds), Sierra Birdsall’s class (first grade – 59 pounds), Tina Ammon’s class (second grade – 79 pounds), Nancy Howard’s class (third grade – 55 pounds), Ian Clerkin’s class (fourth grade – 41 pounds), and Judy Ogden’s class (fifth grade – 39 pounds). 

The event started in 1998. Townsend Elementary has collected 23,137 pounds of pennies during its 23 years, which comes out to more than $37,500 donated.