Class finishes guitar project

Posted Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Students in Sal Salvia’s manufacturing class recently completed a project where they built four-string box guitars. 

During the project, the class worked in a manufacturing-style setup to make the pieces for the guitar. When that aspect was complete, they were divided up by choosing a number to find out which pieces each student would get to do for the final assembly and finish their own personal guitar. 

Pictured are front (from left): David Brooks, Gavin Gladstone, and teacher Sal Salvia. Second row (from left): Carson Watkins, Job Stone, Jordan Blincoe, Dalton McEntee, Jaden Carman, Zaniel Burrows, Brett Wickman, Bryce Hobbie, Evan Silveira, Damian Backus, and Kaelan Smith. Back (standing): Deacon Phoenix.