Fire prevention poster contest winners

Posted Monday, November 25, 2019

The 2019 Fire Prevention and Life Safety poster contest winners have been announced.

Townsend Elementary art teacher Lori Cucciarre helps the Walton Fire Department with the annual contest, which is coordinated by firefighter Bob Lang.

 Students at Townsend participate as part of fire safety prevention lessons. There are three winners per grade level, in grades 1-5. 

Winners pictured are: Front (from left): Owen Gahan (first grade), Kylee Roach (second), Kate Bowker (third), Nadia Giannicchi (first), and Noah Scofield (second). Second row (from left): Esther Salvia (third grade), Lila Trimbell (first), and Finnley Kane (third). Back row (from left): Samantha Barnes (second row), Lilly Conrow (first), Marcus Marano (third), Kohl Muller (second), Landon Covell (first), Richelle Wood (second), and Avelyn White (third).