Posted Monday, November 18, 2019

The Walton Central School District is taking advantage of a unique opportunity to work closely with Delaware County Mental Health. 

In conjunction with the county agency, there will be a satellite office staffed with a mental health professional set up in the middle school/high school.
The office will improve access students have to mental health services. 

The office opens Tuesday, November 19 and will be staffed once a week. Students will be able to benefit from all services provided by Delaware County Mental Health. 
“This is a tremendous opportunity to help students who can benefit and working with a mental health professional,” Walton CSD High School Principal Art Loomis said.

“We are extremely excited to have the chance to offer this program to our student body,” Middle School Principal Adam Hoover added. “We expect to see the benefits take place almost immediately.”
Addendum (November 22, 2019): To clarify about this program -- there is no additional cost to tax payers for this. The district also plans for this to be the first phrase of this program, with the hope it will eventually be offered district-wide.