Science Fair once again a success at Townsend Elementary

Posted Monday, April 15, 2019

A tradition going for more than 20 years remained strong this year as the annual Townsend Elementary Science Fair featured 50 students in grades K-5 showing off 36 exhibits/projects.
This year’s edition is also the final for Debe Cole, who has led the fair for the past 20 years and is retiring at the end of the year. Cole has had various people assist over those years, most recently by Tina Ammon. 
“It has been my privilege to head up the Townsend School Science Fair,” Cole said. “I have seen many wonderful and engaging experiments over the years. As I am retiring this year from teaching, it is time to hand over the reins, but still will be helping in any way I can.”
Over those 20 years, Cole said she’s enjoyed many aspects of the fair, including asking science-based questions on the announcements and hearing from other teachers how classes look forward to the questions; seeing the projects; and seeing the faces of the students when they hand in their signed comment pages after presenting projects to the public. 
For the past three years, Townsend Principal Mike Snider has set up a display featuring an aspect of science. This year, the hands-on exploration exhibit featured technology/circuits with dismantled computers and projectors on display, allowing everybody the chance to see the inner workings and parts.