Posted Friday, March 1, 2019

On Friday morning, the Walton Central School District had a safety alert initiated by local police. 

Detective Brian Laauser of the Walton Police Department, visited the middle/high school, as well as Townsend Elementary, to report an incident that happened at Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School on Thursday.

An unknown adult male attempted to gain unauthorized entry into the school, and the Windham administration subsequently notified police. In turn, Detective Laauser notified the Walton CSD administration this morning and distributed photos of the unknown male to the principals in each building.

In response, staff from both the middle-high and elementary buildings activated an increased safety awareness to reinforce the security of both school buildings.

Subsequent communications from both the Greene County Sheriff’s Office and WAJ CSD have revealed that the individual in question has been identified by the police and will be criminally charged. Details regarding the Windham incident can be found on the WAJ school website:

 Please also note that the Walton CSD safety team will meet in the immediate future. At that time, we will critique our response to the recent safety alert to see if additional improvements are warranted to benefit the district’s overall safety responses.