Posted Friday, February 15, 2019
Manufacturing class makes guitars
Sal Salvia’s manufacturing class recently completed a project where they build a four-string box guitar with a wall-mount holder.
During the project, the class worked in a manufacturing-style setup to make the pieces for the guitar. When that aspect was complete, they were divided up by choosing a number to find out which pieces each student would get to do for the final assembly and finish their own personal guitar.
Students in the class are pictured front (from left): Justin Rolfe and Ben Conrow. Middle (from left): Sal Salvia, Lucas Walley, Cael Howland, James Gransbury, Nolan Church, Anthony Armstrong, Nate Stone, and Jon Conrow. Back (from left): Try Hall, Colin Lynch, and Kaleb Sovocool. Missing: Toby Mullineaux, Cody Merwin, Chandler Merwin, Zachary Coviello, and Seth Wormuth.