Scholar recognition winners

Walton Central School’s Class of 2024 valedictorian David Gatchalian, and teacher Stephanie Rosa, were recently honored at the Scholar Recognition program banquet at SUNY Oneonta.

The event recognizes students and teachers from schools in the DCMO BOCES and ONC BOCES districts. 

One student from each school is recognized for outstanding scholastic achievement and, in turn, that student nominates a teacher who has had a significant and beneficial influence on their education.

Below are the profiles included in the program. Gatchalian’s is written by Rosa. On the reverse, Gatchalian wrote about Rosa. 

David Gatchalian 
As Walton’s 2024 Valedictorian, it goes without saying that David is hard working and exceptionally intelligent. In reality, he is so much more than that. He is a varsity athlete, a member of speech and debate, a participant in both drama club and the musical, a class officer, National Honor Society president, and one of the most optimistic and determined people that I have ever met. David has experienced many unique challenges and has used each of them as motivation to excel.

He is a wonderful example of how perseverance, positivity and determination can bring great success. He has pushed those around him to become better in all they do and his ever-present smile, generosity and optimism will be missed within our school. He is wished the best of luck in continuing his education by pursuing a degree in engineering.


Stephanie Rosa 

Mrs. Rosa has been a positive influence in both my educational and personal life. As a teacher and club advisor, she has pushed me to stay on top of my studies and helped me work through complex ideas. She encourages me to explore the world and all of its complexities to help me find my calling.


During the times that I struggled with an issue, I could open up to her and be able to sort through my thoughts as she provided her insight. Every day she cares about her students on an individual level.