Walton CSD Food Services

Meal Application
School meal applications may be filled out anytime during the year.
You can find the CEP application by clicking here.
We Serve Education Everyday!
This page has all the information you need to understand the school meal program, along with valuable resources to help your family eat healthy and keep fit, whether in school or at home.
Meal Requirements
Students will be required to take a fruit or juice at breakfast this year. We will offer at least three varieties of juice, fresh fruit and canned fruit to make this mandate easier for students. Students are still required to take a fruit and/or vegetable at lunch. Please note, 100 percent of our daily breakfast and lunch items are whole grain this year.
Milk Cartons (November 8, 2023)
There is a national shortage of half-pint milk cartons. Currently, our supplier is still able to send us cartons of milk. If a time comes when cartons are not available, we will have to change how milk is served. We are working with the DCMO BOCES lunch management team so we can best respond to this if cartons are not available. We will continue to provide the same milk options as we currently do.
If the milk cartons are not available, the New York State Education Department has given districts options. There is not a shortage of milk, so we will make sure that students have safe and viable options to access milk with their meals.
If you have any questions, please contact the district.
This service will allow you to pay for school meals online using a credit or debit card.
What is MySchoolBucks?
MySchoolBucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases and receive email notifications for low account balances.
How do I enroll?
1. Go to www.myschoolbucks.com and register for an account.
2. Activate your account and add students. You will need your student's name and school ID number.
3. Provide your credit or debit card information. If you have any further questions, please visit the Help/FAQ link on the MySchoolBucks website. If you need assistance during the enrollment process, please call MySchoolBucks Customer Support at 1-855-832-5226.
Department Information
Food service staff is available 7 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Phone: (607) 865-4116, ext. 6172
If you call during off-hours, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Food Service Director: Connie Babino (babinoc@dcmoboces.com)
Meal prices for 2023-24
Breakfast UPK-12: Free
Lunch UPK-5: Free
Lunch 6-12: Free